awaken | Introduction to 21 days of prayer
Introduction to AWAKEN
Like prayer and Bible reading, fasting is one of the spiritual disciplines of followers of Jesus. The next few paragraphs or to help you get your mind around fasting and help you get started in this powerful Christian. BTW: God is about to do something awesome in your life on this 21 day journey.
What is FASTING?
Biblical fasting is, very simply, denying yourself food for the sake of seeking and honoring God. Pastor Stovall Weems says that, "Prayer is connecting with God; fasting is disconnecting ourselves from the world." That's a great way to describe the feeling. You can fast from other things that keep you connected to the world, too. Things like TV, video games, social media, and more.
Why should I FAST?
Over time, it's very easy for our souls to get "gunked up". Fasting is a way to give our bodies and souls a deep cleaning. When we do, we find that not only do we feel better, but as we draw closer to God, we are more in tune with His voice.
How do I FAST?
There are several different types of fasts. The plan provided in this guide is just that - a guide. You can mix it up or create your own. The main thing is remember - don't make it all about what you eat or don't eat. This is all about drawing closer to God and replacing distractions to pray, read our Bibles, and seek God like never before.
On days for you will be fasting from social media or TV give them up for a whole day. On days where you are fasting from food items, do what challenges you spiritually. Don't hesitate to get out of your comfort zone. If you have fasted before, mix in a few extra days of fasting from food and go all liquids. Go for it! You'll be glad you did. To prepare, it's best to slow down you're eating before the fast, then pick it back up slowly by eating small, simple foods. It's smart to plan ahead and make sure you'll have plenty of the fruits, vegetables, juices, etc. If not, you'r likely to overeat at your next meal, and that's never a good choice!
What do I DO?
Drink lots of water. Pray. Read your Bible. Listen to worship music. Think. Grab your Bible, this devotional, and maybe a journal to capture your thoughts and what God shows you. Get ready, this experience is going to be like no other.
How to use this GUIDE.
Carve out a quiet time each day. Grab your Bible, journal, and something to write with. It's best to do this in the morning because once your day begins, there will be tons of distractions. Learn to put God first in your day, and He will multiply your time. You'll find that you get more done in less time.
During your quiet time, go through the daily devotional this way:
SCRIPTURE: Read the Scripture passage from your Bible and the notes in this guide.
OBSERVE: Think about waht you see that clicks with you. What do you think it means? Are you going through a similar situation?
APPLICATION: How do you think this Scripture applies to you, personally? What is God trying to say to you through His Word?
PRAYER: Pray and ask Jesus to make those applications real. Is there something you need to change? Someone you need to speak to? Apologize to? A different way you need to act? Is there something God is asking you to do that you've never done before?
Yep, that flow spells "SOAP." It's like you're washing your brain with the Word of God. Easy to remember. You can continue this practice in your daily time with Jesus. Now, LET'S GET STARTED!
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