awaken | finish strong


Your Next 21 Days

Whether you're tired, hungry, or excited to be completing your fast, hang in there! Though the fast may be ending, it's really the beginning of a great year, walking with God. Remember, the whole point of this fast was to sacrifice food and other luxuries for the sake fo giving God our undivided attention and growing deeper in Him.

The fire and zeal for God burning in your heart is what keeps your relationship with Him fresh and new. It allows you to continue serving and obeying Him from a position of "want to", and you will experience joy everyday - regardless of what life brings your way.

Keep going the next 21 days... and the 21 days after that.... and so on. What you have practiced in these 3 weeks is super easy to sustain long-term. Prayer, fasting, and personal devotion are all quite simple to make part of your everyday life.

During Awaken, you've created space for God to fill. The best way to continue in these same practices is to keep that space open indefinitely. Don't allow it to close up! Protect that time and space with God and make it your priority each day. Just like reading your Bible, praying, and attending church, fasting is also a lifestyle. 

We encourage you to make fasting part of your life. It's not a rule to follow - it's an "I get to experience God" thing. It is like going to heaven for a tune up, so we can keep our passion for God and enjoyment of Him at a high level. We encourage you to do the same. Figure out what works for you, commit to it, and make it part of your life!


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